Capti Solutions for Education

Differentiated Instruction

The definition of differentiated instruction, or individualization, is planning to teach according to the variety of student abilities that are present in the classroom. Students are able to learn content effectively regardless of their differences, needs, and ability levels. Teachers must use differentiated instruction strategies, products, learning environment, and the content that is being taught in order to create a successful learning environment for all types of students.

Biggest Challenges Capti’s Solutions
Low English proficiency levels that are present in the classroom Capti has great differentiated instruction for english and other language supports available, including text translation and foreign language text-to-speech voices. Students can also personalize the Word Challenge game based on their native language! [Learn more about how Capti helps support ELLs | Integrated Classrooms (ELL/ENL)]
Lack of preparation time Differentiating instruction for reading is a lot of work as each student has different needs. Use Capti to distribute one worksheet to multiple students so they can choose which supports they’d like to use, reducing preparation time.
Diverse student populations Easily individualize content to each student’s needs using Capti’s text-to-speech, visual speech-tracking, keyboard navigation and more. The supports could be used in any classroom ranging from general education to a special needs class.

Learn more about differentiated instruction