Capti Browser Extension

Help students read any webpage with Capti Chrome browser extension.

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Make web pages accessible and engaging

  • Enable students to listen to web pages with high quality text to speech; and use comprehensive visual modifications
  • Enable students to define words in English and translate words and passages to over 100 languages
  • Enable students to save webpages to Capti to read later on the computer, iPhone, or iPad

Make any web page easy to listen to

  • Students can select any text on a webpage and press Play to listen
  • Students can see words being highlighted as they are being read, or hide speech tracking
  • Students choose their preferred premium quality voice in 26+ languages, change speech rate

Make any web page easy to read

  • Students can select any text on a webpage and press Read to apply visual modifications
  • Students can change font, line spacing, and text colors to their liking
  • Students can navigate the text by sentence

Define and translate words and passages

  • Phraseology: If word is part of a phrase, Capti will lookup the entire phrase
  • Morphology: Capti dictionary is aware of word's part of speech, tense, and more
  • Phonology: students can view phonetic spelling and listen to correct enunciation

Save anything from web pages for later

  • Students can save articles to Capti with a single click of a button, everything else is automatically discarded
  • Students can save selected text, links, and individual images to Capti, and OCR images when needed
  • Students can open saved content on web, iPhone and iPad and use powerful Capti's accomodations and modifications to read it